On the 18th of March,my whole family will be travelled to KK for an early vacation.This is the first time I went to KK in 5 years.So,on Tuesday will be my last day in school,don't be sad guys,I'll be back,your inspirational captain will be back.Anyway,another of my friend,Aico,will be having vacation tomorrow,back to Philippines,have a safe ride.Congrats to her for her Maths D,she got 100/100.Kinda rare to see a Filipina this smart.It shows that she's getting smarter everyday,SMSS also is improving,along with the students including me.I'm improving.My marks improve a lot from the previous assessment which was my worst result.
Ok,later I'll post something after my basketball training.Bbye.
Ok,later I'll post something after my basketball training.Bbye.