Saturday, 7 March 2009

Never Give Up

Never give up,these are the most encouraging words to hear when your down.These words are the words I used to say to the people or my friend.I'll tell you a story about me heard that Eddie want to give up his position as no.1.

When we were walking at the front office.we were talking about our life and our electives.Then when I bring up geography about me wanting to get 100 in the test.He was slowly kinda low until I said that I'm confident I can get 100 because I got 100 in 3 consecutive activities.

Then he said that he's willing to give up his position and surrender it to me.I don't like that,I want a fight with him to be no.1.Its not nice to hear him surrendering.Eddie's a nice guy,he's smart but surrendering its not his thing.I hope he's reading this,never give up man,I want a fair fight with you just to be no.1.

That's all,bbye.